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Each member state of the Eurosystem can issue a €2 commemorative coin once a year. These coins have the same features and properties and the same common side as normal €2 coins. What makes them different is their commemorative design on the national side. Only the €2 denomination can be used for commemorative coins. They are legal tender throughout the euro area, that means they can be used – and must be accepted – just like any other euro coin. Euro production per yearmark

commemorative coins. Year of issuance: 2004

Finland. Issuing volume: max. 1 000 000 coins
Commemorative feature: Enlargement of the European Union by ten new Member States
The design describes a stylised pillar from which the sprouts grow upwards. The sprouts represent the enlargement of the European Union. The pillar represents the foundation for growth. Near the pillar there are the letters ‘EU’. In the upper part of the coin there is the year ‘2004’. Twelve stars, together with the year, surround the design. Date: June/July 2004.

Greece. Issuing volume: max. 50 million coins
Commemorative feature: Olympic Games in Athens 2004
The twelve stars of the European Union positioned around the outer circle surround the design of an ancient statue depicting a discobolus in his attempt to throw the discus. The base of the statue covers a small part of the coin's external ring (outer part). To the left is the logo of the Olympic Games ‘ATHENS 2004’ and the five Olympic circles, and to the right, one above the other, are the figure ‘2’ and the word ‘ΕΥΡΩ’. The yearmark is written in split form around the star positioned bottom centre, as follows: 20*04 and the mintmark is above the athlete's head to the left. Date: March 2004.

Italian Republic. Issue volume: maximum 16 million coins
Subject of commemoration: Fifth decade of the World Food Programme. The foreground shows the globe, tilted to the right and bearing the inscription ‘WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME’, from which emerges an ear of wheat, an ear of maize and an ear of rice, the three grains representing the world's basic sources of nourishment. To the right of the globe is the I superimposed on an R denoting ‘Repubblica Italiana’, below which there appears a smaller combination of the letters U and P, the initials of the engraver, Uliana Pernazza. To the upper left of the globe there appears the mint mark ‘R’ and under the globe the year mark ‘2004’. The 12 stars of the European Union are positioned around the outer circle. Date: from 15 December 2004.

Luxembourg. Issuing volume: maximum 2,49 million coins.
The coin depicts on the left hand of the inner part the effigy of His Royal Highness, the Grand-Duke Henri, looking to the right, and on the right hand the monogram of the Grand-Duke Henri (special letter ‘H’ topped with a crown). The 12 stars appear in semi-circular form at the right of the monogram. The year 2004, surrounded by the mint mark as well as the engraver's initials, and the word LËTZEBUERG are written in circular form at the top of the ring. The words ‘HENRI — Grand-Duc de Luxembourg’ appear at the bottom of the ring. Date: 23 June 2004.

Republic of San Marino. Issuing volume: maximum 110 000 coins.
Commemorative feature: Bartolomeo Borghesi (historian, numismatist).
The twelve stars of the European Union positioned around the outer circle of the coin and the issuing year ‘2004’, positioned bottom centre, surround the bust of Bartolomeo Borghesi. To the left of the bust is the inscription ‘Bartolomeo Borghesi’, and one above the other are the letter ‘R’ and the engraver's initials ‘E.L.F.’. To the right of the bust is the word ‘San Marino’. Date: December 2004.

Vatican City. Issue volume: max. 100 000 coins.
Subject of commemoration: 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the Vatican City State.
The inner part shows a schematic representation of the perimeter walls of the Vatican City with St Peter's Basilica in the foreground. The inscriptions ‘75o ANNO DELLO STATO’ and ‘1929-2004’ appear around the left- and upper right-hand edges of the inner part. To the bottom left, in smaller letters, is the name of the author ‘VEROI’ and the initials of the engraver ‘L.D.S. INC.’. The twelve stars of the European Union and the inscription ‘CITTA' DEL VATICANO’ are positioned around the outer circle. Date: from 15 December 2004.

commemorative coins. Year of issuance: 2005

Austria. Issue volume: max. 7 million.
Subject of commemoration: 50th anniversary of the Austrian State Treaty.
The outer ring bears the twelve stars of the European Union. The inner part shows a reproduction of the signatures and seals from the last page of the Austrian State Treaty, signed in May 1955 by the Foreign Ministers and the Ambassadors of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, USA and France, and the then Austrian Foreign Minister Leopold Figl, with the inscription ‘50 JAHRE STAATSVERTRAG’ above the seals, running along the upper edge of the inner part in a quasi-semicircle slightly tilted to the right. At the bottom left is the year of issue, 2005. The vertically-striped background of the inner part depicts the heraldic representation of the Austrian national colours (red-white-red). Date: from 11 May 2005.

Belgium. Issue volume: max. 6 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union.
The effigies of Grand-Duke Henri of Luxembourg and King Albert II of Belgium are depicted in profile in the centre of the design. The profile of King Albert II is slightly superimposed on that of Grand-Duke Henri. Under the effigies appears the year mark ‘2005’. To the lower right there is a combination of the letters ‘LL’, the engraver's initials. The two effigies and the date are surrounded by the twelve stars and by the monograms of Grand-Duke Henri to the left and of King Albert II to the right. The mintmarks each appear between two stars, one on the left and one on the right of the bottom part of the outer circle. Date: March/April 2005.

Finland. Issue volume: 2 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: 60th anniversary of the United Nations and 50th anniversary of Finland's membership of the UN.
The inner part of the coin depicts a dove of peace formed of pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Underneath the dove, along the edge of the lower half of the inner circle, the words Finland — UN appear on the left and the year of mintage on the right. Above the figure, close to the jigsaw puzzle, there is a letter ‘K’, the engraver's initial. The MINT mark ‘M’ appears underneath the representation of the dove of peace. The twelve stars of the European Union are depicted on the outer ring. Edge lettering: YK 1945 — 2005 FN *** (the * stands for a lion's head). Date: October 2005.

Italian Republic. Issue volume: 18 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: 1st anniversary of the signing of the European Constitution.
The inner part of the coin shows a representation of Europa and the bull. Europa holds a pen and the text of the European Constitution. To the upper left of the image is the mintmark R. The initials of the engraver Maria Carmela Colaneri MCC appear at the lower left. The year of mintage appears in the top right of the illustration above the head of the bull. In the lower part of the illustration there is the monogram of the Italian Republic, RI. The words COSTITUZIONE EUROPEA form a quasi-semicircle on the lower part of the outer ring. Twelve stars are depicted on the upper part of the outer ring. Edge lettering: 2 *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: October 2005.

Luxembourg. Issuing volume: max. 2.8 million.
Commemorative feature: 50th anniversary of the G-D Henri, 5th anniversary of his accession to the throne and 100 years of the death of the G-D Adolphe.
The coin depicts on the left-hand side of its inner part the effigy of His Royal Highness, the Grand Duke Henri, looking to the right, and superimposed on the effigy of the former Grand Duke Adolphe on the right-hand side of the inner part. Above the effigies appears, in semicircular form, the legend ‘GRANDS-DUCS DE LUXEMBOURG’. The text ‘HENRI * 1955 ADOLPHE + 1905’ is inscribed below their respective effigies. On the outer ring of the coin, the 12 stars surrounding the design are placed between the letters of the text ‘LËTZEBUERG’. The date 2005 is inscribed below, flanked by the logo of the Mint and the letter ‘S’. Date: January 2005.

Republic of San Marino. Issue volume: 130 000 coins.
Subject of commemoration: 2005: World Year of Physics.
On the inner part of the coin is a free interpretation of the allegorical painting known as ‘la fisica antica’ or the study of the planets, depicting Galileo Galilei. The year of mintage appears in the illustration on a desk underneath a globe. To the left of the image is the mintmark ‘R’. The engraver's initials ‘LDS’ appear on the right hand side. The word ‘San Marino’ forms a quasi-semicircle along the upper edge of the inner part, while the words ‘ANNO MONDIALE DELLA FISICA’ run along the lower edge of the inner part. The twelve stars of the European Union are depicted on the outer ring. Between the stars appear parts of a stylised atom which covers the entire coin. Edge lettering: 2*, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: October 2005.

Spain. Issue volume: 8 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: 4th centenary of the first edition of ‘The ingenious nobleman Don Quixote of La Mancha’.
The inner part of the coin depicts an image of ‘El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha’, who appears holding a lance, and windmills in the background. To the left, there is a marked sector in which the word ‘ESPAÑA’ appears incused, and underneath this sector the MINT mark ‘M’. On the outer ring of the coin, the twelve stars of the European Union are depicted, with, on the right, four of them (corresponding to the positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a clock) incused within an arc. The year of mintage appears at the bottom among three stars. Date: April 2005.

Vatican City. Issue volume: 100 000 coins.
Subject of commemoration: 20th World Youth Day held in Cologne in August 2005.
The inner part of the coin shows a representation of the Cathedral of Cologne with a comet in the upper part of the design. The words ‘XX GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLA GIOVENTU'’ form a quasi-semicircle along the upper edge of the inner part, interrupted by the tail of the comet and one of the church spires. Twelve stars in a quasi-semicircle appear on the upper part of the outer ring. At the top, within the outer ring, the year of mintage (2005) and the mintmark ‘R’ are inserted between the stars. On the lower part of the outer ring the words ‘CITTA' DEL VATICANO’ form a semicircle. Edge lettering: 2 *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: December 2005.

commemorative coins. Year of issuance: 2006

Belgium. Issue volume: 5 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: Atomium.
The inner part of the coin shows a representation of the ‘Atomium’. The engraver's initials ‘LL’ are depicted to the lower right hand side of the Atomium. Two mintmarks appear along the edge of the inner part, one on the right and one on the left of the lower ball of the Atomium. Twelve stars surround the design on the outer ring. The monogram ‘B’ appears at the top of the coin between two stars and the year of mintage ‘2006’ appears at the bottom of the circle between two stars. Edge lettering: 2 **, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: April 2006.

Finland. Issuing volume: max 2,5 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: 100th anniversary of the universal and equal suffrage.
The inner part of the coin shows male and female faces separated by a line. On the left side of the coin, is the date 1 October 1906 and on the right side, is the year with the imbedded country abbreviation 20 FI 06. The mint mark ‘M’ appears at the left of each face. The twelve stars of the European flag are depicted on the outer ring. Edge lettering: ‘SUOMI FINLAND * * *’ where the * stands for a lion's head. Date: October 2006.

Germany. Issue volume: 30 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: Schleswig-Holstein.
The inner part of the coin shows a representation of the ‘Holstentor’, the landmark gate of the town of Lübeck. The word ‘Schleswig-Holstein’ appears underneath the gate at the bottom of the inner part. The engraver's initials ‘HH’ are depicted on the right hand side of the design. One of the letters ‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’ appears as the mintmark on the left hand side of the design. Twelve stars form a semicircle on the upper part of the outer ring, interrupted by the year of mintage ‘2006’ at the top of the coin. The words ‘Bundesrepublik Deutschland’ form a semicircle on the lower part of the outer ring. Edge lettering: ‘Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit’ and the federal eagle. Date: February 2006.

Italian Republic. Issue volume: 40 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: XX Olympic Winter Games — Turin 2006.
The foreground shows a skier racing, against a background of stylised graphic elements: the monogram of the Italian Republic ‘RI’ at the top left, below it the letter ‘R’ and an image of Turin's landmark Mole Antonelliana building with the inscription ‘TORINO’ below; the words ‘GIOCHI INVERNALI’ at the top right; to the right of the skier, the year of issue, 2006, written vertically, and the initials of the designer, Maria Carmela Colaneri, MCC. The twelve stars of the European Union encircle the design. Edge lettering: 2 *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: January — February 2006.

Luxembourg. Issue volume: 1.1 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: 25th birthday of the heir to the throne, The Grand-Duke Guillaume.
The coin depicts on the left-hand side of the inner part the effigy of His Royal Highness, The Grand-Duke Henri looking to the right, superimposed on the effigy of the hereditary Grand-Duke Guillaume, on the right-hand side of the inner part. The date 2006 appears below both effigies, flanked by the letter ‘S’ and the logo of the Mint. The word ‘LËTZEBUERG’ appears above the effigies along the upper edge of the inner part of the coin. The 12 stars surround the design on the outer ring of the coin. Edge lettering: 2 **, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: January 2006.

Republic of San Marino. Issuing volume: 120 000 coins.
Subject of commemoration: 500th anniversary of the death of Christopher Columbus.
Portrait of Christopher Columbus and a representation of the three Caravels; above the portrait the inscription ‘SAN MARINO’ and the wind rose; in the middle the mint mark ‘R’; below, the dates ‘1506 — 2006’ in a cartouche and the initials of the author Luciana De Simoni ‘LDS’; on the outer ring, the twelve stars of the European flag surrounding the design. Edge lettering: 2 ★, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: October 2006.

Vatican City. Issue volume: max 100 000 coins.
Subject of commemoration: 5th centenary of the Swiss Pontifical Guard.
The coin features a Swiss guard taking the solemn oath on the Swiss Guard flag. The inscription ‘GUARDIA SVIZZERA PONTIFICIA’ surrounds the guard, forming a semi-circle which is complemented under the flag by the name of the issuing state ‘CITTÁ DEL VATICANO’. The year 1506 appears on the left side, above the signature of the engraver ‘O. ROSSI’ along the pole of the flag. The year 2006 appears on the upper right side, above the mint mark ‘R’. The twelve stars of the European flag are depicted on the outer ring. Edge lettering: 2 ★, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: November 2006.

commemorative coins. Year of issuance: 2007

Germany. Issue volume: 30 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The inner part of the coin shows a representation of the Schwerin Castle. The word ‘Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’ is inscribed underneath the castle and the engraver's initials ‘HH’ appear at the bottom of the inner part of the coin. One of the letters ‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’ appears as the mintmark above the design. Twelve stars form a semicircle on the upper part of the outer ring, interrupted by the year of mintage ‘2007’ at the top of the coin. The words ‘Bundesrepublik Deutschland’ form a semicircle on the lower part of the outer ring. Edge lettering: ‘Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit’ and the federal eagle. Date: 2 February 2007.

Portugal. Issuing volume: 2 million coins.
Subject of commemoration: Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The inner part of the coin shows a cork oak (Quercus Suber). Under the branches, on the left hand side, the Portuguese coat of arms; on the right hand side, the word ‘POR TU GAL’ written on three lines. The legend ‘2007 PRESIDÊNCIA DO CONSELHO DA UE’ is inscribed in a semicircle along the bottom of the inner part, with the artist signature (I Vilar) on the left and the mintmark (INCM) near the Coat of Arms. The outer ring of the coin depicts the twelve stars of the European flag. Edge lettering: five coats of arms and seven castles equally spaced. Date: July 2007.

Luxembourg. Issuing volume: 1,1 million coins.
The coin depicts on the right hand of its inner part the effigy of His Royal Highness, the Grand-Duke Henri, looking to the left and superimposed on the picture of the grandducal Palace on the left hand side of the inner part. The date 2007 is inscribed on the left side of the inner part, with the engraver's mark above and the mint mark below. The text ‘LËTZEBUERG’ appears under the design on the inner part of the coin. The twelve stars of the European flag surround the design on the outer ring of the coin. Edge lettering: 2 ★★, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. Date: February 2007.

Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia and Finland.
Subject of commemoration: 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome.
The centre of the coin shows the Treaty signed by the six founding Member States on a background evoking the paving, designed by Michelangelo, of the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome where the Treaty was signed on 25 March 1957. The translation of the word ‘Europe’ appears above the book. The translation of the words ‘Treaty of Rome 50 years’ is inscribed above the design. The year 2007 and the national name of the issuing country are inscribed under the design. The twelve stars of the European flag are depicted on the outer ring. More.
Date: 25 March 2007.

Monaco . Issuing volume: max. 20 001 coins.
Subject of commemoration: 25th anniversary of the death of Princess Grace.
The coin features an effigy of Princess Grace, to the right of which appear the word ‘MONACO’, the mint mark, the year ‘2007’ and the engraver’s mark. The name of the artist, ‘R.B.BARON’, is shown under the Princess’s hair. The 12 stars of the European Union are depicted on the outer ring of the coin. Date: July 2007.

Republic of San Marino. Issuing volume: coins.
Subject of commemoration: Bicentenary of the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Vatican City. Issuing volume: coins.
Subject of commemoration: 80th birthday of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

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